Why eat fennel-therapeutic indications

Fennel is an herb that is a must in any home, because it is useful in treating various diseases of the digestive system and beyond.
Fennel has close anise therapeutic indications, except that, in internal cures is used under medical attention because it can be toxic. In the same idea, fennel not be used in internal cures in children younger than 9 years.
In case of colic and abdominal cramps boil a cup of milk plus one tablespoon of fennel. It is eaten as hot.
If you suffer from flatulence, flatulent, fennel powder mixed in food.
Fennel is helpful and women suffering from menstrual problems, it regulates the menstrual cycle, reduces PMS symptoms, decreases fluid retention.
Breastfeeding women can use fennel to stimulate lactation and to relieve colic children. They should consume daily, one or two cups of tea.
In terms of digestive, it is used to remove parasites, but with anthelmintics properties and antiseptic and antibacterial.
Breastfeeding women can use fennel to stimulate lactation and to relieve colic children. They should consume daily, one or two cups of tea.
In terms of digestive, it is used to remove parasites, but with anthelmintics properties and antiseptic and antibacterial.
Cold and rhinitis can be improved, if consumed two daily cup of tea.
In cosmetics, essential oil of fennel is used to optimize muscle tone and skin elasticity. Facial massage is done with fennel oil diluted with a little olive oil.