Baking soda is very used in kitchen, but it has another uses, too: in home cleaning or in health issues.

  What you don't know about Baking soda?....

Well, you know that....

-you can whiten your teeth by adding some baking soda over the tooth paste?

-added to bath water will help your blood circulation, reviving you and will smooth your skin with an extraordinary sensation of relief? just add 2-3 spoons of baking soda in your hot bath;

-you can remove stains from furniture left by hot containers?

-you can remove unpleasant odors from clothes and sanitize them adding 1 teaspoon 2 over detergent placed in the washing machine?

-if you run out of products for washing Calc you can use with very good results, a little baking soda over clothes detergent? I even add a teaspoon, two of vinegar, which is known to be very good in removing limescale on different surfaces;

-you will have some very clean kitchen towels and sanitized if you add some baking soda and a little vinegar, along with laundry detergent and fabric softener?

-if you run out of toilet cleaning products, can be used well, however, some baking soda sprinkled all over the toilet bowl? Let it work for a few minutes, then scrub the toilet with toilet brush adding some vinegar, too;

-if your sink is clogged, but not with hard objects but with hair and dirt, put 1 or 2 packs of baking soda along with 1 cup of vinegar and you will unclog it? There will be a chemical reaction that will unclog the sink without fear that you'll melt them;

-refrigerator odor can be eliminated by putting a lid of a jar with some baking soda in it/

-you can wash the refrigerator with a natural solution without chemicals, made from water, bicarbonate and vinegar? (don't worry, the smell of vinegar disappears in minutes);

-if you have a pair of sports shoes that have caught an unpleasant odor, you can eliminate this smell by sprinkling a little baking soda?

-if you have an odor on your feet you can wash them with water in which you dissolved, previously some baking soda?

-you can freshen the air in a room pouring over a clean sponge a bicarbonate solution made of water bicarbonate and juice of half a lemon?

-you can even disinfect sanitary stuff and kitchen furniture with a solution made of baking soda dissolved in water and a few drops of vanilla, lemon or orange essence?

-for a perfect cleaned skin add to your liquid soap a pinch of baking soda? Besides the smoothing effect of your skin, it will be even clean and disinfected;

-leather gloves can be cleaned with a solution made of milk and some baking soda? Place one on your hand and wipe with a piece of flannel soaked in this solution.

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