Mastitis is an infection of the breast lactating women due to bacterial/microbial penetration through small wounds that can occur during breastfeeding of the infant.
Symptoms of breast's mastitis
In early stages of breast's mastitis, breast hardens and becomes red and the nipple sting/burn. If is not treated immediately, the breast blocks, hardens and become red due to infection that spreads to the channels through which the milk comes out. Thus, breast gets infected and turn into an abscess.
Natural treatment for breast's mastitis
The first signs that we have to be careful are those little cracks that are appearing on the nipple. These cracks are treated with applications of chamomile's or marigold/calendula's tea bags which have been previously soaked in warm water to start infusing. These tea bags are held until cooling and then repeat the application. If is possible, keep the affected breast uncovered to dry. It is good before breastfeeding to wipe the breast with one of these teas for disinfect and prevent appearance of inflammation and to prevent appearance of thrush in infant's mouth.
When the breast is only slightly inflamed and hardened, apply compresses with cold water or ice packs, which are meant to alleviate pain and to reduce inflammation. The excess of breast's milk stagnating in, must be smoothly hand milked but not with breast pump that can damage it, causing cracks.
If nipple disinfection is made with glycerin borax or boric acid you must consider cleaning the nipple very well before nursing your baby because your baby will refuse eating for it the taste.
The nipple must not be disinfected with alcohol because it dries out the breast's skin. If you really want to disinfect with alcohol, apply after, some honey.
In stores, you may find many natural nourishing creams that are helpful in this situation based on marigold/calendula and chamomile.
Cold-pressed olive oil is helpful in case of breast's mastitis. Massage the affected breast with olive oil and leave it for 30 minutes to work and after clean it with warm water.
If fever or chills appear doctors may prescribe antibiotics.
When the infected breast is hard, turning into an abscess infection you must no longer feed your baby on this breast because the milk is mixed with pus.
If mastitis just at the beginning and the breast is just a little blocked and the cracks are a few then is better to let your baby to eat, helping you to clear breast's channels
Treating breast's mastitis with honey
When the small cracks are new you can apply honey on your nipple massaging and leaving it for half hour to get into the skin healing it. Honey has disinfection and cleaning effect on wounds infected with streptococcus. Massaging infected breast, several times a day, with honey, will heal it after a few applications.