Medium otitis is an inflammation of the middle ear and is highly wide spread disease in infants and young children. It occurs most often as a symptom of upper respiratory infections.
Medium otitis occurs more frequently in new born baby because, at this age, the ear shows some particularities of growing that facilitate developing this disease.
Causes of otitis in infants
Since birth, ear is not fully developed, the risk of nasopharyngeal and ear infections is much higher than in older children or adults.
A strictly infant's cause is an anatomical feature. At birth, under the antral mucosal epithelium and eardrum is placed a tissue which, in time, it absorbs itself and can cause a suction of infected secretions.
Another cause of the occurrence of medium otitis is the genetic factors and infant's state of development in the moment of birth. Thus, some infants are more prone to develop this disease. We refer here to infants predisposed to inflammation followed by suppurations, to preterm and malnourished or showing symptoms of rickets infants.
Acute or chronic adenoid is also an important cause in the occurrence of medium otitis in newborns. It helps spreading the infection towards medium ear.
Other causes of otitis in infants
-weather conditions, cold and wet weather can trigger medium otitis in infants,
-upper respiratory diseases ca be complicated by the occurrence of medium otitis,
-diarrhea can trigger otitis,
-infectious diseases of childhood,
-adenoid vegetation.
Forms of otits in infant
Medium otitis in newborn occurs because the infection with viruses and bacteria. If otitis is based on infection with viruses then we talk about a catarrhal otitis, and if the otitis occurs due to an infection caused by a bacteria, then otitis an effusion one.
Catarrhal otitis is based on an infection with a common virus, especially in nasopharyngitis. This form of otitis is also known as serous otitis or congestive.
Symptoms of catarrhal otitis
-continuous agitation and crying of the infant,
-rubbing the ear on a pillow is an important symptom that can be linked directly to otitis,
-difficulty in breastfeeding of the child,
-pressing ear duct (behind the ear) lead to a strong reaction of pain,
-hearing loss.
Medium otitis with effusion is based on an infection with a bacterium. Common is infection with staphylococcus, streptococcus, pneumococcus, meningococcus or gram negative flora as e-colli.
This form of otitis is showing more often in newborn babies with health and nutrition conditions, in upper respiratory diseases, in diarrheal disease or in infectious disease such as measles.
Otitis may be caused by infections or germs such as staphylococcus taken from hospital, flora gram negative antibiotic resistance, in germs that are found in the oropharyngeal level.
They are prone to this disease infants, children that are showing signs of rickets or those exclusively artificially fed.
Symptoms of effusion otitis
-high fever,
-agitation, crying continuously and in some cases, when the infant has lack of calcium, spasmophilia, then seizures occur.
-lack of appetite,
-possible weight loss.
Treatment of medium otitis
Treating medium otitis with alopatic medicines
-administrate, under specialist doctor's prescription, antibiotics as penicillin, kanamicyn,
-use 10 drops of glycerin warm borax 4% or boramid,
-wash ear with hydrogen peroxide heated to body temperature,
-you must release the nose with nose solutions or other disinfectant solutions,
-you must drain the ear,
-if it is a staphylococcal otitis you must administrate antibiotics as oxacilin, dicloxacilin or gentamicin.
-infant nutrition will be one based more on liquids with a low protein intake,
-treat diarrhea that occurs very often in this disease,
-administrate anti-pyretic, ibuprofen for pain suppression,
-treating various diseases that can cause the occurance of otitis.
Natural treatment of medium otitis
-apply warm compresses on the ears, corn or coarse salt in warm bags,
-apply 10 drops of propolis tincture 5% solution, 2-3 times per day, diluted in water boiled and cooled,
-in the evening, before bedtime, soak a piece of gauze in propolis tincture and insert it into the ear and leave it until morning. Please note, however, the sensitivity of the skin.
-take 30 drops of propolis tincture diluted in water, 3 times per day,
-wash your ear with calendula/marigold, sage, comfrey. After, dry very well the ear,
-apply warm compresses with cabbage leaves for an hour,
-apply few drops of warm body temperature oil,
-give vitamins such as vitamin C, P, pantothenic acid and beta-carotene, from natural sources as parsley, carrots,
-administrate minerals such as: magnesium, copper, sulfur, manganese.
Homeopathic treatment of medium otitis
-in case of catarrhal medium otitis it must administrate: pulsatilla praensis, matricaria chamomilla, dulcamara, ch 9 diluted,
-in case of suppurative otitis must be administrated: lachesis mutans, kali bichromicum, mercury solubillis, silica terra.