Breast milk is the most important food of the newborn baby. It helps baby to adapt to life outside the womb. It gives vitamins and minerals so desperately needed to grow healthy. It contains antibodies, that protect him in the coming months from various diseases and various yeast which will help digestion.

   Why we should breastfeed infants

  Breast milk is the only food that is easy to digest and is digested completely by the stomach that only now begins to secrete digestive ferments. Only after a few months after birth, gastric substances and ferments secreted by stomach are starting to digest other foods than milk.

  A liter of breast milk contains:

-about 870 g of water,

-15 g protein,

-35-40 g Fat,

-70 g of lactose,

-vitamins, minerals, whose amounts vary after mother's dietary intake,

-antibody, fighting viruses and bacteria,

-digestive ferments,

-700 Calories.
  Breast milk shows variations depending on the period of lactation, hour, day, depending on maternal nutrition even in the same period: at the beginning of breastfeed the milk is low in fats and, towards the end, richer. The amount depends on the strength of  baby but, also on the mother fluid intake and her psychological state (if stressed for different reasons, the amount of milk will be lower).

  If there is a decrease in the amount of milk, mothers must put the baby to breast from 3 to 3 hours interval because breastfeeding is the best for lactation. 10-15 minutes before each breastfeeding she must drink 100-200 ml of water, lemonade or tea. Beer, soups are not increasing the amount of milk rather than other liquids. Avoid eating onions and garlic because the flavor will change the taste of milk and many children will refuse the breast. Alcoholic beverages are prohibited entirely as it passes into milk and reaches the baby, causing serious intoxication.

  If the quantity of milk decreases, you mustn't give quickly a bottle supplement to new born baby because he will choose the easiest way, but not necessarily the healthiest.

 Some mothers may develop "milk anger" a strong secretion of milk, which will soften in a few days.

 There are cases when  mother covers deficit lactation with milk from cows. This milk shows at this young age of the baby many drawbacks: it has an inappropriate composition for newborn. He can easily infect with it's microbes and by boiling, it loses nutrients. 

  In  first 6-7 days after birth, a mother secretes milk that has substances that were found in blood serum, that was feeding the baby in the womb, called colostrum. It is a special milk, meant to ensure the baby's body balance and adaptation to the new environment. It is very rich in protein, immunizing substances in minerals and low in casein, fat and lactose.

 Colostrum has 500-700 calories, is yellowish and in a few days turn into milk.

Why is it good for the mother to breastfeed

 -women nursing recovers more easily after birth,

-it creates a stronger bond between mother and child, even physically, by secreting certain hormones

-is more calm, 

-breastfeed baby grows much better, healthier,

-a fully breastfeed baby will not suffer from intestinal infections from food.

The infestation of our body with intestinal worms/helminths is unpleasant but often. They grow in our body without troublesome symptoms that can draw our attention.

 Those warms are especially found on children.

  We can be infested with intestinal worm if:

-if we kiss a pet or play with it;

-if we don't wash our hands properly;

-if we eat insufficiently heat treated/cooked pork;

-if we eat fruits and vegetable that aren't well washed;

-if we eat meat/fish raw;

-if we are coming into contact with an infected person;

  Complications of worm's infestation

  Most people infested with worms are suffering from anemia, low iron on blood, due to intestinal malabsorption caused by them. Worms are actually feeding with our nutrients weakening them.

  Liver can be very seriously affected, as worms are present there.

  The main symptoms of worm infestation

-rectal itches, nose itches.. Rubbing the nose horizontally categorically indicate intestinal worms, due to toxins released by them;


-pain on belly or liver level;

-restless sleep;

-weight loss;

-lack of appetite;

-craving for sweets;

-nausea and vomiting;

- diarrhea followed by constipation;


-muscle aches;

-difficulty swallowing or chewing;

-swelling eyelids;


  Some effective natural remedies in treating intestinal worm infestation

-black walnut tincture/ + cloves tincture and wormwood, 3 times a day, on empty stomach... Attention it mustn't be given to children, pregnant or nursing women.

-gentianella/gentian tincture administrated 3 times a day, on empty stomach;

-pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, or figs;

-to prevent worm infestation drink daily aloe vera juice;

-take vitamin B supplements;

-take grapefruit seeds extract, 3 times a day, 15 drops diluted in water. This amount is for adults; for children read the prescription;

-to treat anemia caused by them, eat onions, garlic, spinach, beetroot, nettles, parsley or salad;

-remove or subtract from your diet milk and sweets;

-consume raw garlic or garlic tincture. A strange but effective remedy: put a few cloves of garlic in your socks and as you walk through the house, it crushes and substances are absorbed through the skin. It's an excellent remedy for children and adults who can't eat garlic (for medical reasons)or are unwilling.


   Cold can be defeated without antibiotics, only with natural treatments, simple, some of them forgotten. They still have notable effectiveness.

  I'll present simple treatments with ingredients that you already have it in the house but you didn't know that have healthy properties. Essential oils, aromatherapy, fruits and vegetables, spices, vitamin and minerals supplements.

  Did you know...the main causes of flu/ colds are:

-unprotected extremities, especially the feet and hands. Legs aren't well protected when is cold outside, the nose is shrinking and microbes enter and inflame mucous membranes of the nose and throat. This is how do nasopharyngitis and laryngitis appear.

-nose defects slows down heating and damping activity such as septal deviation;

-chronic inflammation that are maintaining illness on respiratory system;

-low imunitary system response;

-malnutrition by low intake of vitamins, minerals and proteins required by our body for fighting viruses and bacteria;

-personal predisposition . Some persons have genetic predisposition to colds and flu.

  Cold symptoms


-pain and burning throat;

-trouble breathing, dyspinoea;


  Coughing is actually the body response to irritants and infections. The cough is at first dry. The action of cough is used by the body to try clean the inflamed areas of respiratory system. To pass cold more easily we should help our body to cough up excess mucus full of foreign harming bodies as viruses and bacteria.

  Natural treatment of cough

  There are many teas and cough syrups that help the body to get well. Most teas are based on:

-pine buds;

-butterbur leaves;

-nettle leaves;

-shepherd's purse leaves;





-sambuccus nigra.

  All you have to do is to go to a pharmacy or herbal stores and ask for expectorants teas.

  Syrups used in colds and coughs

-pine syrup that disinfects and relaxes the airways, favoring expectoration and calming the cough;

-cranberry syrup, with a high content of vitamin C. It is a very good antibiotic, is rich in antioxidants, fiber, vitamins A, B, C, E, tanins and flavonoids. It can be given to kids in form of dilution with  water or undiluted, up to teaspoons a day;

-lemon syrup with honey that you can prepare it at home. Cut a lemon well cleaned previously, in half, and boil it for 10 minutes, then squeeze it over the remaining liquid. Add a few spoons of honey and drink it during the day;

-onion syrup; boil a hole onion well washed, with all leaves on. When boiling water is half quantity, the syrup is ready. Don't add sugar.. it's already sweet. You can add it in tea or milk for children. It's a great way to slow down high fever.

  Bee products

  They are helpful in colds. Honey, propolis/bee glue, royal jelly can be used with good results, but with caution in young children under 1 year old.

  Honey has energizing, expectorant  effect. 

-it's diuretc, emollient, full of vitamins and mineral;

-it's recommended to increase body resistance;

-it combats physical and mental fatigue;

it treats anemia, loss of appetite, fatigue; 

-has great results in cosmetics honey masks;

-treats bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis.

  A glass of warm  milk with 1 or 2 spoons of honey is excellent in case of colds in children, as well as taken alone. It mitigates feels of pain and burning of the throat.

  Propolis is a resinous prepared from substances collected by bees. It has antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral healing properties. You can find it in many syrups, mixed with honey, simple or in tincture.

  Royal jelly is a strong biological concentrated substance. However is not recommended for children younger than one year. Check product presentation before use. It's recommended to increase the body's autoimmune response, increasing vitamins and minerals into the body , increasing appetite.


  Manganese, a less known and used mineral, plays an important physiological role in bone cartilage syntesis.

  The body contains about 10 grams of manganese, which is distributed in the liver, kidney, bone, pancreas, pituitary gland and in the blood of the embryo.

Lately are more and more studies that provides informations on the properties and manganese roles in the body.

Manganese participate directly in the synthesis of collagen, a substance that has the ability to regenerate skin and tissues. Thus, it has uses in cosmetics, prevents or treats wrinkles.

Helps preventing osteoarthritis by stimulating collagen synthesis, which helps the formation of bones and cartilage. At the same time contributes to maintaining bone strength.

It participate in the metabolism of carbohydrates, steroids and hormones, in hypothyroidism.

Along with the pituitary gland, manganese help through its participation in the synthesis of hormones, optimization of neural functions such as memory. It is used in the treatment of neurological disorders such as epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, senility, schizophrenia, tardive dyskinesia.

Manganese has antioxidant properties is a powerful agent in prevention and in supporting the body fight cancer.

 In lactating women, including supplements containing manganese activates milk production. Daily consume 1-2 glasses of pineapple juice.

The main natural sources of manganese

-pineapple... a glass of pineapple juice contains about 3 grams of manganese;

-green vegetables and dried vegetables as: parsley, celery, leeks, beets, eggplant, beans;

-whole cereals, wheat germ, whole wheat bread;

-nuts and seeds, almonds, hazelnuts;

-tea leaves;


-fruits as: pineapple, pears, apples or plums.

Diseases caused by manganese deficiency



-pain in joints, tendons weakening;


-states of irritability and restness.


Manganese is used with other minerals

-with cobalt and lithium in treating anxiety;

-with copper in treating osteoarthritis and asthma, breast cracks, eczema, the treatment of flu and common cold, hemorrhoids, when fatigue occurs in the evening, rhinitis, where intestinal cramps, varicose ulcers;

-with cobalt and copper in treating muscle cramps;

-in treating anxiety along with cobalt and lithium.

     Baking soda is very used in kitchen, but it has another uses, too: in home cleaning or in health issues.

  What you don't know about Baking soda?....

Well, you know that....

-you can whiten your teeth by adding some baking soda over the tooth paste?

-added to bath water will help your blood circulation, reviving you and will smooth your skin with an extraordinary sensation of relief? just add 2-3 spoons of baking soda in your hot bath;

-you can remove stains from furniture left by hot containers?

-you can remove unpleasant odors from clothes and sanitize them adding 1 teaspoon 2 over detergent placed in the washing machine?

-if you run out of products for washing Calc you can use with very good results, a little baking soda over clothes detergent? I even add a teaspoon, two of vinegar, which is known to be very good in removing limescale on different surfaces;

-you will have some very clean kitchen towels and sanitized if you add some baking soda and a little vinegar, along with laundry detergent and fabric softener?

-if you run out of toilet cleaning products, can be used well, however, some baking soda sprinkled all over the toilet bowl? Let it work for a few minutes, then scrub the toilet with toilet brush adding some vinegar, too;

-if your sink is clogged, but not with hard objects but with hair and dirt, put 1 or 2 packs of baking soda along with 1 cup of vinegar and you will unclog it? There will be a chemical reaction that will unclog the sink without fear that you'll melt them;

-refrigerator odor can be eliminated by putting a lid of a jar with some baking soda in it/

-you can wash the refrigerator with a natural solution without chemicals, made from water, bicarbonate and vinegar? (don't worry, the smell of vinegar disappears in minutes);

-if you have a pair of sports shoes that have caught an unpleasant odor, you can eliminate this smell by sprinkling a little baking soda?

-if you have an odor on your feet you can wash them with water in which you dissolved, previously some baking soda?

-you can freshen the air in a room pouring over a clean sponge a bicarbonate solution made of water bicarbonate and juice of half a lemon?

-you can even disinfect sanitary stuff and kitchen furniture with a solution made of baking soda dissolved in water and a few drops of vanilla, lemon or orange essence?

-for a perfect cleaned skin add to your liquid soap a pinch of baking soda? Besides the smoothing effect of your skin, it will be even clean and disinfected;

-leather gloves can be cleaned with a solution made of milk and some baking soda? Place one on your hand and wipe with a piece of flannel soaked in this solution.

Conjunctivitis are some common eye diseases, especially in children. It's characterized by an inflammation of conjunctive membrane.


  Conjunctive membrane is the one that is lining the eyelids on their internal side and is stretching on eyeballs.

     The causes of conjunctivitis

  In infants, the most common form of conjunctivitis is gonococcocal conjunctivitis, a strong purulent inflammation.

  In general, conjunctivitis is caused by infection of conjunctival membrane due to microbes, but also because of dust, smoke, toxic gases or foreign bodies.

  It can occur due to allergic situation and is named allergic conjunctivitis.

  Symptoms of conjunctivitis

-in case of allergic conjunctivitis is noticed that conjunctive membrane has small transparent vesicles with a strong sensation of itching,

-congestion, redness of conjunctive membrane, red eyes,

-burning sensation of the eyes,



-in some cases, it's a purulent discharge, if the cause of conjunctivitis is an infection with a bacteria or viruses. These conjunctivitis occur mostly in the summertime, on people who bathe in dirty water or in poor hygiene of children's hands.

-foreign body sensation under the eyelids,

-morning glued eyes due to secretion collected overnight,

-at the medical consult is seen the congestion of conjunctive membrane, conjunctival discharge that can be purulent, mucopurulent or false fibrin membranes.

  After their clinical appearance, conjunctivitis may be:

-catarrhal conjunctivitis,

-purulent conjunctivitis,

-pseudomembranous conjunctivitis,

-nodular or granular conjunctivitis is characterized by thickening of the lining and the presence of nodules and scarring,

-eruptive conjunctivitis.

  Natural treatment of conjunctivitis

-you must take a cure for 2-3 weeks with vegetable juices such as carrot, spinach and parsley. You must consume half a liter of juice a day,

-consume more onions because it helps body to fight off the infection,

-apply compresses with tea : calendulla/ marigolds, chamomile, cornflowers, or melilot or you may directly apply the tea bags on your eyes soaked in warm water just to start infusing,

-you must consume concentrated blackcurrant tea or tincture diluted in 100 ml of water. It has powerful anti-inflammatory effects.

  Conjunctivitis patients must maintain a rigorous hygiene of their hands and have personal towel.

  It is prohibited sick eye rubbing.

  Homeopath treatment of conjunctivitis

  Depending on the layout of the affected eye, give Euphrasia if eyes are bloodshot and in case of allergic conjunctivitis. Apis is given if the eyelids are swollen, ch 7.
  If pus is present you must administrate mercury corrosivus and pulsatilla ch 7.

  Locally you must apply drops of dh 3 calendulla and saline.

   Mastitis is an infection of the breast lactating women due to bacterial/microbial penetration through small wounds that can occur during breastfeeding of the infant.

  Symptoms of breast's mastitis

  In early stages of breast's mastitis, breast hardens and becomes red and the nipple sting/burn. If is not treated immediately, the breast blocks, hardens and become red due to infection that spreads to the channels through which the milk comes out. Thus, breast gets infected and turn into an abscess.


  Natural treatment for breast's mastitis

  The first signs that we have to be careful are those little cracks that are appearing on the nipple. These cracks are treated with applications of chamomile's or marigold/calendula's tea bags which have been previously soaked in warm water to start infusing. These tea bags are held until cooling and then repeat the application. If is possible, keep the affected breast uncovered to dry. It is good before breastfeeding to wipe the breast with one of these teas for disinfect and prevent appearance of inflammation and to prevent appearance of thrush in infant's mouth.

  When the breast is only slightly inflamed and hardened, apply compresses with cold water or ice packs, which are meant to alleviate pain and to reduce inflammation. The excess of breast's milk stagnating in, must be smoothly hand milked but not with breast pump that can damage it, causing cracks.

  If nipple disinfection is made with glycerin borax or boric acid you must consider cleaning the nipple very well before nursing your baby because your baby will refuse eating for it the taste.

  The nipple must not be disinfected with alcohol because it dries out the breast's skin. If you really want to disinfect with alcohol, apply after, some honey.

  In stores, you may find many natural nourishing creams that are helpful in this situation based on marigold/calendula and chamomile.

  Cold-pressed olive oil is helpful in case of breast's mastitis. Massage the affected breast with olive oil and leave it for 30 minutes to work and after clean it with warm water.

  If fever or chills appear doctors may prescribe antibiotics.

  When the infected breast is hard, turning into an abscess infection you must no longer feed your baby on this breast because the milk is mixed with pus.

  If mastitis just at the beginning and the breast is just a little blocked  and the cracks are a few then is better to let your baby to eat, helping you to clear breast's channels 

  Treating breast's mastitis with honey

  When the small cracks are new you can apply honey on your nipple massaging and leaving it for half hour to get into the skin healing it. Honey has disinfection and cleaning effect on wounds infected with streptococcus. Massaging infected breast, several times a day, with honey, will heal it after a few applications.




   Marigolds or calendula are known in particular for hie indications in treating skin problems. At the same time, they are helpful in digestive system but also in intimate hygiene.

  I have really discovered them when in my family appeared certain skin issues and till then are always present in my home, in any form, as a cream, shampoo, tea and especially as a powder based on marigold, taken from pharmacy.

  Marigolds proprieties

-healing wounds,

-regenerating skin,

-anti-inflammatory effects,

-re hydrating, softens the skin,

-re epithelizant effect,

-antibacterial proprieties,

-choleretic effect,


-weak analgesic effects (headache, throat and teeth ache).

  Marigolds are useful in next conditions

  In case of skin issues are used in case of:

-acne, dry skin and irritated and sensitive,


-fungus on the skin,

-diaper rash in infants,

-irritation on their breasts in nursing/breastfeeding women,

-they ca regenerate skin after burns, scratches or scars form cesarean operation,

-are beneficial in treatment against insect bites and frostbite,

-for the scalp, marigolds removes dandruff, clean scalp scores, skin irritation or fungs that ca cause the symptoms listed above.

  Are useful in ingrown nails. It is used, mainly, marigold-based powder that absorbs moisture. You can use also the cream and the ointment. You can make a strong tea and wipe the nail with it, pressing it, few times a day.

  For digestive diseases, this herb helps in treating:

-diarrhea (drink tea or diluted tincture according to the prospect of the producer),

-gastrointestinal diseases as gastric and duodenal ulcers, gastritis. Take a teaspoon of diluted tincture, in the morning, on empty stomach, for 20, 30 days. The dilution is 1 teaspoon in 100 ml water;

-improves digestion by stimulating bile/gall secretion,

-disinfects the digestive system, removing candida albicans fungus appeared in the digestive tract,

-helps in case of irritable bowel syndrome and bloating,

  Among circulatory's system problems, marigolds help in case of hypertension and cardiac arrhythmia.

  In women, it regulates menstruation, treats inflammation of the intimate area (vaginal yeast infections), but also form ovaries (PCOS)- polycystic ovaries.

   Normally, acne occurs on a background of hormonal imbalance but, depending on their location, they may indicate that you have hidden conditions.


-if you have acne on the forehead  then, your intestines are suffering,

-if pimples appear on your cheeks then your lungs are affected,

-pimples located on your nose indicate heart diseases,

-your kidneys have problems if you have pimples on your jaw,

-if you have pimples on your back then you have problems with digestive tract and lungs,

-acne around the mouth indicate problems with reproductive organs.

  Medium otitis is an inflammation of the middle ear and is highly wide spread disease in infants and young children. It occurs most often as a symptom of upper respiratory infections.

  Medium otitis occurs more frequently in new born baby because, at this age, the ear shows some particularities of growing that facilitate developing this disease.


  Causes of otitis in infants

  Since birth, ear is not fully developed, the risk of nasopharyngeal and ear infections is much higher than in older children or adults.

  A strictly infant's cause is an anatomical feature. At birth, under the antral mucosal epithelium and eardrum is placed a tissue which, in time, it absorbs itself and can cause a suction of infected secretions.

  Another cause of the occurrence of medium otitis is the genetic factors and infant's state of development in the moment of birth. Thus, some infants are more prone to develop this disease. We refer here to infants predisposed to inflammation followed by suppurations, to preterm and malnourished or showing symptoms of rickets infants.

  Acute or chronic adenoid is also an important cause in the occurrence of medium otitis in newborns. It helps spreading the infection towards medium ear.


  Other causes of otitis in infants

-weather conditions, cold and wet weather can trigger medium otitis in infants,

-upper respiratory diseases ca be complicated by the occurrence of medium otitis,

-diarrhea can trigger otitis,

-infectious diseases of childhood,

-adenoid vegetation.

  Forms of otits in infant

  Medium otitis in newborn occurs because the infection with viruses and bacteria. If otitis is based on infection with viruses then we talk about a catarrhal otitis, and if the otitis occurs due to an infection caused by a bacteria, then otitis an effusion one.

  Catarrhal otitis is based on an infection with a common virus, especially in nasopharyngitis. This form of otitis is also known as serous otitis or congestive.

  Symptoms of catarrhal otitis


-continuous agitation and crying of the infant,

-rubbing the ear on a pillow is an important symptom that can be linked directly to otitis,

-difficulty in breastfeeding of the child,

-pressing ear duct (behind the ear) lead to a strong reaction of pain,



-hearing loss.

  Medium otitis with effusion is based on an infection with a bacterium. Common is infection with staphylococcus, streptococcus, pneumococcus, meningococcus or gram negative flora as e-colli.
   This form of otitis is showing more often in newborn babies with health and nutrition conditions, in upper respiratory diseases, in diarrheal disease or in infectious disease such as measles.

   Otitis may be caused by infections or germs such as staphylococcus taken from hospital, flora gram negative antibiotic resistance, in germs that are found in the oropharyngeal level.

  They are prone to this disease infants, children that are showing signs of rickets or those exclusively artificially fed.

  Symptoms of effusion otitis

-high fever,

-agitation, crying continuously and in some cases, when the infant has lack of calcium, spasmophilia, then seizures occur.

-lack of appetite,


-possible weight loss.


   Treatment of medium otitis

  Treating medium otitis with alopatic medicines

-administrate, under specialist doctor's prescription, antibiotics as penicillin, kanamicyn,

-use 10 drops of glycerin warm borax 4% or boramid,

-wash ear with hydrogen peroxide heated to body temperature,

-you must release the nose with nose solutions or other disinfectant solutions,

-you must drain the ear,

-if it is a staphylococcal otitis you must administrate antibiotics as oxacilin, dicloxacilin or gentamicin.

-infant nutrition will be one based more on liquids with a low protein intake,

-treat diarrhea that occurs very often in this disease,

-administrate anti-pyretic, ibuprofen for pain suppression,

-treating various diseases that can cause the occurance of otitis.

  Natural treatment of medium otitis

-apply warm compresses on the ears, corn or coarse salt in warm bags,

-apply 10 drops of propolis tincture 5% solution, 2-3 times per day, diluted in water boiled and cooled,

-in the evening, before bedtime, soak a piece of gauze in propolis tincture and insert it into the ear and leave it until morning. Please note, however, the sensitivity of the skin.

-take 30 drops of propolis tincture diluted in water, 3 times per day,

-wash your ear with calendula/marigold, sage, comfrey. After, dry very well the ear,

-apply warm compresses with cabbage leaves for an hour,

-apply few drops of warm body temperature oil,

-give vitamins such as vitamin C, P, pantothenic acid and beta-carotene, from natural sources as parsley, carrots, 

-administrate minerals such as: magnesium, copper, sulfur, manganese.

  Homeopathic treatment of medium otitis

-in case of catarrhal medium otitis it must administrate: pulsatilla praensis, matricaria chamomilla, dulcamara, ch 9 diluted,

-in case of suppurative otitis must be administrated: lachesis mutans, kali bichromicum, mercury solubillis, silica terra.



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