Marigolds or calendula are known in particular for hie indications in treating skin problems. At the same time, they are helpful in digestive system but also in intimate hygiene.

  I have really discovered them when in my family appeared certain skin issues and till then are always present in my home, in any form, as a cream, shampoo, tea and especially as a powder based on marigold, taken from pharmacy.

  Marigolds proprieties

-healing wounds,

-regenerating skin,

-anti-inflammatory effects,

-re hydrating, softens the skin,

-re epithelizant effect,

-antibacterial proprieties,

-choleretic effect,


-weak analgesic effects (headache, throat and teeth ache).

  Marigolds are useful in next conditions

  In case of skin issues are used in case of:

-acne, dry skin and irritated and sensitive,


-fungus on the skin,

-diaper rash in infants,

-irritation on their breasts in nursing/breastfeeding women,

-they ca regenerate skin after burns, scratches or scars form cesarean operation,

-are beneficial in treatment against insect bites and frostbite,

-for the scalp, marigolds removes dandruff, clean scalp scores, skin irritation or fungs that ca cause the symptoms listed above.

  Are useful in ingrown nails. It is used, mainly, marigold-based powder that absorbs moisture. You can use also the cream and the ointment. You can make a strong tea and wipe the nail with it, pressing it, few times a day.

  For digestive diseases, this herb helps in treating:

-diarrhea (drink tea or diluted tincture according to the prospect of the producer),

-gastrointestinal diseases as gastric and duodenal ulcers, gastritis. Take a teaspoon of diluted tincture, in the morning, on empty stomach, for 20, 30 days. The dilution is 1 teaspoon in 100 ml water;

-improves digestion by stimulating bile/gall secretion,

-disinfects the digestive system, removing candida albicans fungus appeared in the digestive tract,

-helps in case of irritable bowel syndrome and bloating,

  Among circulatory's system problems, marigolds help in case of hypertension and cardiac arrhythmia.

  In women, it regulates menstruation, treats inflammation of the intimate area (vaginal yeast infections), but also form ovaries (PCOS)- polycystic ovaries.

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