Cold can be defeated without antibiotics, only with natural treatments, simple, some of them forgotten. They still have notable effectiveness.

  I'll present simple treatments with ingredients that you already have it in the house but you didn't know that have healthy properties. Essential oils, aromatherapy, fruits and vegetables, spices, vitamin and minerals supplements.

  Did you know...the main causes of flu/ colds are:

-unprotected extremities, especially the feet and hands. Legs aren't well protected when is cold outside, the nose is shrinking and microbes enter and inflame mucous membranes of the nose and throat. This is how do nasopharyngitis and laryngitis appear.

-nose defects slows down heating and damping activity such as septal deviation;

-chronic inflammation that are maintaining illness on respiratory system;

-low imunitary system response;

-malnutrition by low intake of vitamins, minerals and proteins required by our body for fighting viruses and bacteria;

-personal predisposition . Some persons have genetic predisposition to colds and flu.

  Cold symptoms


-pain and burning throat;

-trouble breathing, dyspinoea;


  Coughing is actually the body response to irritants and infections. The cough is at first dry. The action of cough is used by the body to try clean the inflamed areas of respiratory system. To pass cold more easily we should help our body to cough up excess mucus full of foreign harming bodies as viruses and bacteria.

  Natural treatment of cough

  There are many teas and cough syrups that help the body to get well. Most teas are based on:

-pine buds;

-butterbur leaves;

-nettle leaves;

-shepherd's purse leaves;





-sambuccus nigra.

  All you have to do is to go to a pharmacy or herbal stores and ask for expectorants teas.

  Syrups used in colds and coughs

-pine syrup that disinfects and relaxes the airways, favoring expectoration and calming the cough;

-cranberry syrup, with a high content of vitamin C. It is a very good antibiotic, is rich in antioxidants, fiber, vitamins A, B, C, E, tanins and flavonoids. It can be given to kids in form of dilution with  water or undiluted, up to teaspoons a day;

-lemon syrup with honey that you can prepare it at home. Cut a lemon well cleaned previously, in half, and boil it for 10 minutes, then squeeze it over the remaining liquid. Add a few spoons of honey and drink it during the day;

-onion syrup; boil a hole onion well washed, with all leaves on. When boiling water is half quantity, the syrup is ready. Don't add sugar.. it's already sweet. You can add it in tea or milk for children. It's a great way to slow down high fever.

  Bee products

  They are helpful in colds. Honey, propolis/bee glue, royal jelly can be used with good results, but with caution in young children under 1 year old.

  Honey has energizing, expectorant  effect. 

-it's diuretc, emollient, full of vitamins and mineral;

-it's recommended to increase body resistance;

-it combats physical and mental fatigue;

it treats anemia, loss of appetite, fatigue; 

-has great results in cosmetics honey masks;

-treats bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis.

  A glass of warm  milk with 1 or 2 spoons of honey is excellent in case of colds in children, as well as taken alone. It mitigates feels of pain and burning of the throat.

  Propolis is a resinous prepared from substances collected by bees. It has antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral healing properties. You can find it in many syrups, mixed with honey, simple or in tincture.

  Royal jelly is a strong biological concentrated substance. However is not recommended for children younger than one year. Check product presentation before use. It's recommended to increase the body's autoimmune response, increasing vitamins and minerals into the body , increasing appetite.

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