Bee's venom composition, therapeutic indications, treatments


    Bee's venom is used since ancient times to treat various diseases. Various studies have demonstrated its efficacy in treatment, particularly rheumatic diseases but not only.

The composition of bee venom

  Bee venom appears as a colorless, dense. It has a distinctive odor of honey and bitter taste. Outdoor solidify, releasing volatile compounds. If frozen, bee venom does not lose its attributes.

  Once inside the body, bee venom has local effects such as redness noticeable application site, swelling, warming the skin, burning and pain average. This reaction usually occurs immediately after application and can occur over several hours to 2 days. 

  Bee venom has a stronger power of healing if is taken from bees in summer and autumn. 

  It contains proteins, sulfur, phosphorus, calcium, formic acid.

Therapeutic indications of bee venom

-help keeping the blood clotting,

-maintains normal activity of the immune system, 

-stimulates adrenal and pituitary gland function, is helpful in treating allergies,

-help to lower blood pressure,

 -it uses in treating endoartritis, 

-help in case of hypothyroidism, 

-cures gastrointestinal ulcers, 

-has strong antimicrobial effects, especially those gram-positive as Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus hemolytic euglena viridis, paramoecium caudatum.

  So, bee venom is used successfully in treating several diseases like endoartitis, atherosclerosis, peripheral vascular ulcer, thrombophlebitis, disease hypertonic (reduces spasms and improves irrigation tissues), disorders of the peripheral nervous system (diseases of the sciatic nerve, or the femoral), rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis (infectious or deforming), allergies (hives, swelling of Quicke, highbfever, capilarotoxicoza hemorrhagic), asthma, eye disorders (irritation severe keratitis, iritis rheumatic, sclerotic rheumatic or episcleritis).

  Bee venom therapy involves a special dietary regime that consume 50-100 grams daily honey and exclude alcoholic beverages and spices. It will take a milk-vegetarian diet.

The contraindications of treatment with bee venom

  Bee venom is contraindicated in acute infectious diseases, purulent disease, tuberculosis, hepatitis, nephritis, diabetes, anemia, predisposition to bleeding during menstruation or cardiovascular failure.

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