Psyllium seeds are a great food full of nutritious substances. It contains essentials fatty acids as omega-6, omega-3, vitamins as vitamin C, complex of vitamins B and minerals as potassium, magnesium or zinc.

  Healing indications of psyllium seeds

-they have laxative action, on a mechanic way, they are swelling in the digestive system and they are pushing down, on the way out, all the impurities that are bounded there.

-stimulates intestinal activity and is used to treat constipation,

-is used to treat sensible bowel, colon,

-it helps in diet, for loosing weight,

-lubricates intestine's walls,

-increases quantity of faeces, getting out all the organic wastes,

-helps in disintoxication cures,

-it's useful in case of diarheea, absorbs excess of fluids,

-absorbs the exogenous toxins,

-mentains the health of intestinal flora,

-is useful in treating high level of cholesterol,

-helps in decreasing glycemic index by slowing down absorption of sugar in blood,

-slows down the need to eat, making you fell full after eating a teaspoon of seeds,

-doesn't contain gluten,

-it helps in decreasing cardiovascular disease,

-stimulates secretion of bile, gall,

-decreases synthesis of cholesterol in the liver,

-decreases the level of intestinal ph, helping in the fight with colon cancer,

-helps persons with hemorrhoids by soaking faeces,

-can help in decreasing arterial pressure.

  Some people might be allergic to psyllium seeds and sometimes can't be eating by persons that have diverticulitis  or congenital malformations.

  You must not eat psyllium seeds if you took before medical drugs because it blocks the absorbtion of those.

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