Age, hormonal disorders, improper skin care, weight loss drastic, excessive sun exposure or diet low in vitamins and minerals are so many causes of wrinkles. Whatever the causes, the reality is that their appearance affects everyone.
Most prone to wrinkles are the people who have dry, sensitive skin, dehydrated.
1. Use fruit in the fight against wrinkles
Oranges, bananas, apple, apricot, grapes, lemons are helpful, both internally and externally to treat wrinkles.
-the skin of an orange must be washed well, grated fine, mixed with yogurt and make a mask that keep on face for 20-30 minutes. It will hydrate the skin and will outshine. A similar effect ... but for people in a hurry .... is to rinse the face with a slice of orange juice leaving it to dry, then rinse it with warm water.
-bananas are rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, C, E and minerals such as phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, iron and zinc, act on skin moisturizing and nourishing. Used in masks with strong tea of chamomile and honey- crush a banana and mix it with a little chamomile tea and a teaspoon of honey. Mantains on face for 20 minutes and rinse it with warm water. Another simple method is to mix a crushed banana with a tablespoon of sour cream and 2 tablespoons fresh orange juice.
-apples contains, vitamins and minerals and pectins which have the effect of softening the skin. Wipe the face with a slice of apple, leaving the juice to dry, then rinse your face with warm water or make a mask out of a few slices of apple that is simmered in milk and make a puree which apply on face for 15 -20 minutes, then rinse your face with warm water.
-apricots are excellent in treating and preventing wrinkles by their contents of bromine and magnesium, which act as smoothing facial nerves. Mix a crushed apricot with a tablespoon of honey and one of cream. Leave on for 20-30 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
-grapes, because it significant amounts of vitamins and minerals, they are tonic for the whole body but especially by maintaining healthy connective tissue facial muscles. Grape juice is used to combat wrinkles. Wipe the area affected by wrinkles with one grape cut in half, let dry and rinse.
-lemons, but because of the important vitamin C is often used in cosmetics for treating skins. Help maintain its shine, to treat acne and wrinkles. Because are more acid it may be use with caution by people with sensitive skin. In case of those individuals, they will wipe their faces with a slice of lemon only on the areas affected by wrinkles and on the rest of the face may be used with the same effects, oranges, which are less acidic.
-cucumber is effective in skin hydration, thus alleviating and wrinkles. Wipe the face with a few slices of cucumber, let dry and rinse it with warm water.
2. Use vegetables to get rid of wrinkles
-parsley will give a special glow to the skin and will treat wrinkles, whether you drink it or use it in applications directly on the skin. Intern, will be made, for several days, fruit smoothies with a touch of parsley, you eat salads that add a touch of parsley. Externally, fresh juice is applied on the face and let it dry, rinse afterwards.
-potato's starch is the substance that helps alleviate wrinkles. Put in a blender and mix, potato with a tablespoon of honey. Such a mask is applied for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
-avocado contains large amounts of vitamin A and E which is helpful in case of dry skin. Mix with a few slices of avocado one tablespoon of honey or cream and leave it for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water.
3. Use herbs in treating wrinkles
Mallow, yarrow, basil or rose. Concentrated teas are applied and allowed to dry on the face. After that, rinse your face with warm water. Another way is to wipe your face with tea bags that before were left to infuse for a few seconds in very little hot water.
4. To alleviate and even completely treat wrinkles, use essential oils
Aromatherapy is helpful in treating wrinkles, being easy to apply. Among the essential oils known, most used in combat wrinkles are Boswellia and Neroli essential oils, applied diluted in a carrier oil such as jojoba or Avocado and Olive. These oils are applied through massaging and let it act 10 minutes. In these oils can add vitamins such as Vitamin B, Vitamin C and E.5. Take supplements of vitamins and minerals
-Vitamin A is given for 5 days and will give the skin vitality and shine and will delay the appearance of wrinkles or will alleviate existing ones,
-Vitamin B5 prevents dry skin and wrinkles,
Vitamin C helps form collagen and thus stops wrinkles,
-Selenium has its antioxidant and delays aging.