The pain localized in the ear can be treated at home with simple and handy remedies.

  The cold season brings with it besides colds and flu, the famous and dreaded earache. Even if we talk about a simple cold that affects the ear or an otitis, ear pain is really painful.

  In general, the treatment of ear disorders requires medication prescribed by a doctor. In the same time, our grandparents treated themselves with homemade remedies that have amazing results.

  Propolis tincture

  Propolis tincture is a very simple and efficient remedy for treating ear pain. You must drop, every day, for 3 times a day, 10 drops of tincture diluted in a few tablespoons of boiling water. It has antibacterial effects, treating the infection of the ear and, in the same time is very good in relieving pain because it has anesthetic effect.

  Chamomile essential oil

  For treating ear pain you must apply 3 drops of chamomile essential oil diluted in 3 other heated oil drops. It has antibacterial, antineuralgic effects, eliminating the pain immediately.

   The essential oil of thyme

  Diluted with another oil, sunflower or olive oil is applied to each ear. You must drop 3 drops in the ear until the pain subsides.


  Apply warm compresses  with sauerkraut on the ear. You can apply a few leaves of cabbage after you squeeze a little bit the surface.

Essential oil of almonds

   Drop a few drops of essential oil of almonds diluted in a few drops of sunflower oil in the ear that hurts.

   A very effective remedy is to apply wet hot compresses or a bag with warm salt or sand on the ear affected.
Olive oil or sunflower oil

  If don't have essential oils you can use just heated sunflower oil or olive oil. It must have a temperature that you can sustain.

  Essential oil of calendula

  Calendula or marigolds have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects which helps eliminate ear infection. Place a few drops of calendula oil mixed with sunflower oil or olive into the ear infected.

  All these essential oils can be replaced with plant dyes mentioned diluting it with a few drops of warm water.

  All oils should be warm. 

 In the medium term, it must eliminate all infections in the nose and throat, these having a large influence on health ear ..





 Top 10 benefits of sauna

   Sauna is an effective method of detoxifying the body. Its effects on health are immediate, whether we do it for relaxation or treatment of diseases.

What happens in the body during sauna?

  When enters in contact with the heat, blood vessels dilate, blood ascend to the surface and pores open. You sweat and eliminate toxins.

  Followed by exit to cold air or a cold or warm  shower, sauna intensify metabolic exchanges in the body.

  Before entering the sauna you must take a warm shower and then go to sauna for a 10 minutes interval, interval that is enough to make the body sweat and eliminate toxins. Sauna's temperature is generally 70-120 degrees celsius, determined according to your body strength. During sauna, a massage can be done with a rough glove or with famous birch rod packages. On leaving the sauna, take a warm shower or go for a few minutes in a cold pool to create that heat stock that will intensify metabolic exchanges. This bath or sower with warm water, followed by a moment of relaxation on a sunbed or a bench, or a massage will let the heart to return to normal rhythm.

  Sauna is an effective method of detoxifying the body, hardening, weight loss and treatment of diseases. It is indicated in the treatment of obese individuals rehab sufferers of gout, arthritis, acne, diseases of the respiratory system of athletes for a quicker recovery after workouts and relaxation.

  It is contraindicated for people suffering from hypertension, atherosclerosis, heart disease, tuberculosis, various disorders in acute kidney stones or people suffering from claustrophobia.

  Depending on why we do sauna, we can add different flavours of concentrated essential oils or teas. Thus, we can drop a few drops of:

-rosemary essential oil or lavender, if we suffer from rheumatism,

-antibacterial and antiviral oils such as eucalyptus or lavender,

-if you have a stuffy nose, you can use eucalyptus, peppermint or rosemary,

-to reduce stress, to relax, we can use in the sauna, a few drops of essential oils of santalwood, rosemary, basil or magnolia that invigorate and unwinds.

  Sauna in your home

  If you have a reluctance to use public saunas, you can enjoy their effects at home. All you have to do is to boil water into a pot. You put the pot on the bath floor. Take a a chair and put it in front of the pot. Take an old blanket and to cover. Sit under the blanket for 10 to 15 minutes. If you can't stand under the blanket, do a hole in it and stay with your head out and the body under the blanket. Put a towel around your neck. This method is ideal for children. In this way you can stay longer.

  Another method is to use a seat with backrest. Sit with your face towards the backrest and place carefully the pot with hot water between you and the backrest. When you cover yourself with the blanket and stay for 10 to 15 minutes.

  For a stronger therapeutic effects add into the pot with hot water different herbs:

-mint, for unblocking airways,

-chamomile, for colds, insomnia, spasmophilia, muscle cramps or back pain,

-linden, for relaxation, insomnia or colds,

-hay flower, for osteoarthritis,

-calamus, for growth disorders in children, rickets,

-pine's germs or pine needles for insomnia, neurosis or respiratory diseases,

-sage, for fatigue or rheumatic conditions,

-lemon, for cellulitis, edema or fatigue.

  At this homemade sauna can also use essential oils listed above.

  In Finland, the home country of the sauna, it was used as a delivery room for pregnant women or as lounge for sick persons, in winter.

Deficiency of vitamin C and its dangers


  The quantity of vitamin C needed by children is directly related to their age. The child is smaller, the need for vitamin C is higher.

  Vitamin C appears under the names of ascorbic acid or hexuronic acid and is found in three forms: enol, keto or dehydroascorbic.

The properties of vitamin C

-it is known as vitamin for effort,

-has anti-stress effects,

-helps secure iron,

-it has anti-infective action via stimulation of phagocytosis,

-has antitoxic action, combating the effect of toxic metals such as lead body, excess iron, copper, mercury, arsenic, aluminum, or microbial toxins of drugs,

-inactivates carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide,

-it has strong anticancer effects,

-protects bones, joints and cartilage,

-helps in treating schizophrenia,

-helps lower cholesterol.

Natural sources of vitamin C

-oranges, lemons,
-rosehip, blueberries,

Deficiency of vitamin C and its dangers

  Lack of vitamin C in children occurs due to an exogenous insufficient intake of food or because of conditions that cause a disorder of its absorption by the body of the child.

  If the infant requires a daily intake of 5-6 mg per kg body weight of vitamin C daily and, if school child optimal intake of vitamin C is 2-3 mg per kg body weight. A separate category are premature babies, who need a higher amount of vitamin C than babies born at term. 

  Another situation where you have to supplement intake of vitamin C is when the child's body is fighting an infection, or if the baby is fed exclusively with milk powder or milk cow.

  In fever, colds or prolonged diarrhea and liver damage or disease affecting the absorption of vitamin C, supplementation of this vitamin is recommended.

Symptoms of vitamin C lack of body

The first symptom that is often ignored is the appearance of anorexia, lack of appetite. This first symptom is closely followed by digestive disorders, feelings of irritability and standing weight of the child.

 Secondary these symptoms, gingival bleeding occurs that appears around the teeth that are in full eruption, bleeding spontaneously at the slightest touch.

 In a more advanced Hypovitaminosis, we see that baby or small child is, besides anorexic and agitated and feverish, with the emergence of digestive or respiratory impairment.

 Most often, deficiency of vitamin C entails a folic acid deficiency, causing anemia. 

 The skin is observed in advanced stages of Hypovitaminosis, with follicular hyperkeratosis.

Why eat fennel-therapeutic indications

   Fennel is an herb that is a must in any home, because it is useful in treating various diseases of the digestive system and beyond.

Fennel has close anise therapeutic indications, except that, in internal cures is used under medical attention because it can be toxic. In the same idea, fennel not be used in internal cures in children younger than 9 years.

In case of colic and abdominal cramps boil a cup of milk plus one tablespoon of fennel. It is eaten as hot.

  If you suffer from flatulence, flatulent, fennel powder mixed in food.
  Fennel is helpful and women suffering from menstrual problems, it regulates the menstrual cycle, reduces PMS symptoms, decreases fluid retention.

  Breastfeeding women can use fennel to stimulate lactation and to relieve colic children. They should consume daily, one or two cups of tea.

  In terms of digestive, it is used to remove parasites, but with anthelmintics properties and antiseptic and antibacterial.

Cold and rhinitis can be improved, if consumed two daily cup of tea.

In cosmetics, essential oil of fennel is used to optimize muscle tone and skin elasticity. Facial massage is done with fennel oil diluted with a little olive oil.


   There are scientific studies proving that certain vitamins helps us maintain the brain healthy, even older people. Thus, it proves that older people who take certain vitamins and antioxidants, on daily basis, enjoy an improved brain activity.

  Blood levels of these vitamins and minerals is directly proportional to the quality of brain activity, which is protected from harmful factors and normal aging.

  According to studies, the difference between people who eat foods rich in these vitamins and antioxidants is very high compared to those who have a diet low in fruits and vegetables with a high content of these substances.

Vitamins that will keep your brain healthy

  So, to have a brain in top shape must have an optimal intake of vitamins. Here are the most important vitamins for your brain:

B vitamins are very important for your mental capacity. From these, vitamin B6 and B12 are the most important.

Pyridoxine or vitamin B6 is a water soluble vitamin, is altered in the presence of light and heat volatilized. It is found in yeast, in whole grains, milk, eggs, fish, nuts, avocado and cabbage. This vitamin helps in the synthesis of neurotransmitters that act on nervous impulse transition, in the development of thought, emotion and memory.

Vitamin B12 is a vitamin that has a direct link with Alzheimer's appearance. Is found only in animal foods such as meat or dairy products, egg or seafood. It helps to form myelin sheaths, essential in transmitting nerve impulses. It is of particular importance in maintaining tactile and auditory acuity, improving learning ability and memory.

Another important vitamin for healthy brain, is vitamin C that helps to obtain higher cognitive performance. It is found in large quantities in: parsley, citrus, berries, peppers or cabbage.

Vitamin E is an important vitamin because the fight against harmful factors that make us sick. It is found in cold-pressed vegetable oils: soybean, corn, sunflower, grain seeds, green vegetables or tomatoes.

Other supplements that help the optimal functioning of the brain are: coenzyme Q10, alpha lipoic acid, gingko biloba.

Treating liver diseases with homeopathic remedies


  Homeopathic medicine benefits from a large number of remedies to treat liver diseases.


  Taraxacum, is popular well known as Dandelion.

  Taraxacum remedy is used in chronic hepatitis, bloating, flatulence or gallbladder disease.

Symptoms that entitle us to use Taraxacum as a remedy are: bitter taste in the mouth, belching bitter, flatulence, constipation, feeling cold permanent crisis gall spring, drowsiness, intolerance to fatty foods, language is geographic or sabur, the liver shows slightly increased and painful on palpation.

Taraxacum can be used in diseases of the veins, varicose veins localized pain in the calves, which worsen both standing and sitting down.

Lycopodium clavatum

The person who needs lycopodium presents signs as flatulence, dyspepsia, is tired, has enlarged abdomen, face looks aged, has thin legs. Worsening symptoms appear between 16 and 20 hour and improves outdoors, at cold, in movement or drinking hot liquids. This remedy is specific for the impairment of the right side of the body. For example, a person who needs lycopodium, will suffer of tonsillitis from right to left. He is suffering from abdominal pain, strong hunger and flatulence.

Lycopodium clavatum is active in emaciated children with liver conditions.

Disorders that are treated with this remedy: liver failure, constipation, colic in infants, stones, cholangitis, chronic hepatitis, hepatic colic, stones, uricaemia, atrophic cirrhosis, flatulence, early senility.
Those remedies must be administrated twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, on empty stomach, for at least one week, or until the symptoms disappear. For children are used 4 granules, for adults 5.

Hands shows what medical conditions we have

    Hands can give us some information about medical conditions. Color, humidity or temperature can provide us with informations that lead us to diagnose some diseases.

  A healthy hand has pink color, his skin is elastic, moist and warm. Any change can announce a disorder or disease.

Diagnosing diseases based on the study of hands

  • Hand skin color:

-if your hand's skin color is yellow is very likely that you suffer from a liver or biliary disease; you have a melancholic nature, irritable mood and you get sick very often,

-pale skin indicate anemia,

-bluish skin of hands shows a possible poor circulation of the blood or a high level of uric acid in blood,

-reddish hue, congested hands, shows a state of apoplexy,

-stained pink and white skin indicates a good oxygenation of blood,

  • After the appearance of the skin hands:

-prominent blue veins indicate high levels of carbonic acid in the blood. It's improving with physical and breathing exercises,

-hard and rough skin shows precocious aging and an lively person,

-hand with soft, smooth and shiny skin shows a predisposition for gout and rheumatism,

-soft and smooth hands are typical for timid persons, who suddenly becomes red in tense situations,

-if your hand's skin is dry and rough you might have problems with perspiratory glands, a permanent state of cold or dermatological conditions.

  • Depending on skin moisture hands

-hand with moist skin shows a high level of sensuality person

-if the hand is moist and warm indicate physical weakness, fever and weakness,

-skin cold damp hands indicate liver injury,

-warm skin is specific to active persons,

-dry skin indicates fever or dermatological conditions,

  • Hand's hairiness:
-if the hand's skin is hairy than is likely that the person is a strong one, who can endure diseases easily, tenacious people,

-hand with red hair shows mental and physical strength. 

    Hopi candles are very useful in treating various diseases of the ear because not only that it works for removing the plug of wax but it is useful, because of it proprieties, in stimulating blood circulation and lymphatic system of the inner ear.

  Hopi candles are made of  gauze wrapped in a cylindrical shape, measuring about 20 cm. They are impregnated and strengthened with beeswax and concentrated solutions of plants or essential oils.

  How to use Hopi candles

You must lye down on a side. The candle is inserted vertically in the ear canal entrance. You set fire to the sides of the candle and let it burn until it gets closer to the ear. Candle's wax will evaporate and the heat of the candle will create a stove effect, an aspiration current.

Hopi candles benefits

-the heat that it is radiating from the candle intensifies cellular exchanges,

-the wax accumulated in the ear canal is suctioned to the outside due to the stove effect. In case of wax plug you must repeat the procedure several times and at the end of which will see at the entry of the ear wax melted,

-sweat and sebaceous ear's glands are staving in and resume the activity of filtration and elimination of the waste wax

-after this procedure the blood and lymphatic circulation is activating, resulting a better irrigation and cleaning of the inner ear. The person has a clear feeling that he feels the head easier, a possible problem of balance is adjusted, sounds are better, the headaches disappears.

Applications with Hopi candles must be done in the same sessions for the both ears. in the acute stage must be done 3 sessions per day and in the chronic stage 2 times per week.

Diets are regimes that are characterized by restrictions. But these restrictions should be individualized depending on the diseases that we have. A diet is beneficial to us when, after a few days of starting it, we feel it better than before.

 An important aspect is that you must follow a diet just for a short period of time. This diet must not be confused with a nutritionist diet which aims to supply the body with nutrients needed by your body.

Diet can be a quantitative restriction of food or a qualitative one, by restricting some precise foods.

  Quantitative food diet

-diet which weigh food, trying to decrease portion,

-diet with low calories consumed in a day. This diet must be used by persons that want to lose weight without starving themseves. They can eat any food but with a limit of calories per day.

-diet which removes a meal,
-diet that at a meal is consumed only 3 foods.

   Diets with quality restrictions

-diet vegetarian,animal products are excluded, except eggs and dairy. It is recommended for people who have consumed too much protein,when uric acid it comes to the analysis of urine too high,
-raw diet, in which you can consume only raw foods, in their natural state,

-dissociated diet that helps digestion. It is recommended for persons who suffer from digestive disorders such as indigestion, fermentation colitis, enteritis, bloating. This diet should not be kept for a long period of time because it leads to a decrease in the absorbtion of nutrients,

-diet with low level of nitrate which is like vegetarian diet recommended for persons with liver diseases, kidney stones, due accumulation of uric acid crystals,

-diet with low levels of carbonates that restricts sugar, any forms of cereals, bread, doughs. This diet is recommended for obese persons, people with liver diseases, pancreatic diseases, or restricted airways,

-diet with low levels of  lipids that restrict foods with high levels of fats and it is recommended for persons with liver diseases, biliary, cardiovascular diseases or obese,

-diet with low level of sodium. It must remove salt from daily consumption and it is recommended for people who have kidney disease, cardiovascular or that retains water.

Monodiets, why not?

  In case of monodiets, a person must consume only one food, for a certain period of time.

  These monodiets, regardless of the food consumed, leads to several disorders of the body. For example, monodiet with egg produces larges amounts of waste, affecting the liver health and increasing the amount of blood cholesterol. In the same idea, fruit monodiet, especially lemon, can lead to demineralization of the body because it fails to convert a large amount of mineral acids.


When we speak of estrogen, we talk about the primary female sex hormone,  which is acting on the development and sexual differentiation. Besides this property, estrogen has an important role in improving brain activity.

Recent studies have shown that estrogen plays an important role in brain activity, especially in improving memory and cognitive functions. These studies demonstrated that neuronal provide protection on postmenopausal women who have disorders that produce a decrease in the secretion of estrogen, such as polycystic ovarian syndrome.

Research has shown that women with a small amount of estrogen in the body suffers from short term memory impairment, of the verbal and cognitive functions. These same studies have indicated that women who have an optimum amount of estrogen in the body, have less chance of developing, over time, Alzheimer disease.

Estrogen's action on the brain

-estrogen ehanced activity of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter involved in memory brain activity,

-It stimulates the development of dendrites and synapses of nerve cells, helping improving pulses,

-It is a powerful antioxidant, protecting cells with special effects on brain,

-It is important in reducing the negative effects of glutamate on brain activity.

The amount of estrogen in the body can be balanced using tinctures such as raspberry, based on essential oils of fennel or hops or homeopathy.
Bee's venom composition, therapeutic indications, treatments


    Bee's venom is used since ancient times to treat various diseases. Various studies have demonstrated its efficacy in treatment, particularly rheumatic diseases but not only.

The composition of bee venom

  Bee venom appears as a colorless, dense. It has a distinctive odor of honey and bitter taste. Outdoor solidify, releasing volatile compounds. If frozen, bee venom does not lose its attributes.

  Once inside the body, bee venom has local effects such as redness noticeable application site, swelling, warming the skin, burning and pain average. This reaction usually occurs immediately after application and can occur over several hours to 2 days. 

  Bee venom has a stronger power of healing if is taken from bees in summer and autumn. 

  It contains proteins, sulfur, phosphorus, calcium, formic acid.

Therapeutic indications of bee venom

-help keeping the blood clotting,

-maintains normal activity of the immune system, 

-stimulates adrenal and pituitary gland function, is helpful in treating allergies,

-help to lower blood pressure,

 -it uses in treating endoartritis, 

-help in case of hypothyroidism, 

-cures gastrointestinal ulcers, 

-has strong antimicrobial effects, especially those gram-positive as Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus hemolytic euglena viridis, paramoecium caudatum.

  So, bee venom is used successfully in treating several diseases like endoartitis, atherosclerosis, peripheral vascular ulcer, thrombophlebitis, disease hypertonic (reduces spasms and improves irrigation tissues), disorders of the peripheral nervous system (diseases of the sciatic nerve, or the femoral), rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis (infectious or deforming), allergies (hives, swelling of Quicke, highbfever, capilarotoxicoza hemorrhagic), asthma, eye disorders (irritation severe keratitis, iritis rheumatic, sclerotic rheumatic or episcleritis).

  Bee venom therapy involves a special dietary regime that consume 50-100 grams daily honey and exclude alcoholic beverages and spices. It will take a milk-vegetarian diet.

The contraindications of treatment with bee venom

  Bee venom is contraindicated in acute infectious diseases, purulent disease, tuberculosis, hepatitis, nephritis, diabetes, anemia, predisposition to bleeding during menstruation or cardiovascular failure.

       Age, hormonal disorders, improper skin care, weight loss drastic, excessive sun exposure or diet low in vitamins and minerals are so many causes of wrinkles. Whatever the causes, the reality is that their appearance affects everyone.

  Most prone to wrinkles are the people who have dry, sensitive skin, dehydrated.

1. Use fruit in the fight against wrinkles

Oranges, bananas, apple, apricot, grapes, lemons are helpful, both internally and externally to treat wrinkles.

-the skin of an orange must be washed well,  grated fine, mixed with yogurt and make a mask that keep on face for 20-30 minutes. It will hydrate the skin and will outshine. A similar effect ... but for people in a hurry .... is to rinse the face with a slice of orange juice leaving it to dry, then rinse it with warm water. 

-bananas are rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, C, E and minerals such as phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, iron and zinc, act on skin moisturizing and nourishing. Used in masks with strong tea of ​​chamomile and honey- crush a banana and mix it with a little chamomile tea and a teaspoon of honey. Mantains on face for 20 minutes and rinse it with warm water. Another simple method is to mix a crushed banana with a tablespoon of sour cream and 2 tablespoons fresh orange juice. 

-apples contains, vitamins and minerals and  pectins which have the effect of softening the skin. Wipe the face with a slice of apple, leaving the juice to dry, then rinse your face with warm water or make a mask out of a few slices of apple that is simmered in milk and make a puree which apply on face for 15 -20 minutes, then rinse your face with warm water. 

-apricots are excellent in treating and preventing wrinkles by their contents of bromine and magnesium, which act as smoothing facial nerves. Mix a crushed apricot with a tablespoon of honey and one of cream. Leave on for 20-30 minutes, then rinse with warm water. 

-grapes, because it significant amounts of vitamins and minerals, they are tonic for the whole body but especially by maintaining healthy connective tissue facial muscles. Grape juice is used to combat wrinkles. Wipe the area affected by wrinkles with one grape cut in half, let dry and rinse.

 -lemons, but because of the important vitamin C is often used in cosmetics for treating skins. Help maintain its shine, to treat acne and wrinkles. Because are more acid it may be use with caution by people with sensitive skin. In case of those individuals, they will wipe their faces with a slice of lemon only on the areas affected by wrinkles and on the rest of the face may be used with the same effects, oranges, which are less acidic.

2. Use vegetables to get rid of wrinkles

  -parsley will give a special glow to the skin and will treat wrinkles, whether you drink it or use it in applications directly on the skin. Intern, will be made, for several days, fruit smoothies with a touch of parsley, you eat salads that add a touch of parsley. Externally, fresh juice is applied on the face and let it dry, rinse afterwards.

-cucumber is effective in skin hydration, thus alleviating and wrinkles. Wipe the face with a few slices of cucumber, let dry and rinse it with warm water. 

-potato's starch is the substance that helps alleviate wrinkles. Put in a blender and mix, potato with a tablespoon of honey. Such a mask is applied for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

 -avocado contains large amounts of vitamin A and E which is helpful in case of dry skin. Mix with a few slices of avocado one tablespoon of honey or cream and leave it for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water.

  3. Use herbs in treating wrinkles

  Mallow, yarrow, basil or rose. Concentrated teas are applied and allowed to dry on the face. After that, rinse your face with warm water. Another way is to wipe your face with tea bags  that before were left to infuse for a few seconds in very little hot water.

4. To alleviate and even completely treat wrinkles, use essential oils 

  Aromatherapy is helpful in treating wrinkles, being easy to apply. Among the essential oils known, most used in combat wrinkles are Boswellia and Neroli essential oils, applied diluted in a carrier oil such as jojoba or Avocado and Olive. These oils are applied through massaging and let it act 10 minutes. In these oils can add vitamins such as Vitamin B, Vitamin C and E.

5. Take supplements of vitamins and minerals

  -Vitamin A is given for 5 days and will give the skin vitality and shine and will delay the appearance of wrinkles or will alleviate existing ones,

  -Vitamin B5 prevents dry skin and wrinkles, Vitamin C helps form collagen and thus stops wrinkles, 

 -Selenium has its antioxidant and delays aging.

6. Ask your endocrinologist if you think you suffer from a hormonal imbalance

This imbalance is often an important factor in preventing wrinkles in their treatment. An alternative is to consult a homeopathic doctor who can regulate hormone activity.

7. If you have sensitive or dry skin, use as little soap

You have excellent alternatives as cleansing milk or lotion micelles, again appeared.

8. Do not make drastic diets

They will deprive the body of vitamins and minerals that will lead to a significant imbalance and wrinkles due to sudden melting of fat and dehydration.

9. Wear eyeglasses

  If you need glasses for eye sight to see and endeavor to see you squinted leading to wrinkles. On the same idea, use sunglasses when needed.

10. Use specific creams and powders your skin type

To protect skin from weather conditions (cold, wind, sun) is recommended to use creams, tinted powders your skin type specific.

11. Use 2 times a week a mask made of warm water, baking soda and honey

Leave it on and rinse. Baking soda helps hydrating the face and get rid of wrinkles.You can also add liquid soap you use to wash your face.

  • 10:50:00
  • razvana

  Cumin and rosemary are two widely used spices in the kitchen. But these two spices have few therapeutic properties that will make you eat more often.


The therapeutic effects of eating cumin

  Cumin is an aromatic plant widely used in the kitchen that gives flavor to food. What you did not know is that it has special effects for our health. It has tonic effects on the digestive system by regulating appetite, enhance peristalsis (contractions of intestinal walls), relieves colic, helps eliminate intestinal worms.

   This spice has a diuretic effect, preventing water retention, helping in weight loss and detoxification. 

   It is a plant that provides troubleshooting of diseases such as improving female menstrual problems or stimulating lactation. 

   Cumin has antiseptic effects and is helpful in case of urinary system infections, especially urinary tract and kidneys, helps fight bacteria and viruses.

   It has effects in treating rheumatism, the effects of the heart, increase blood flow, it is a general tonic and helps remove residue being helpful in the treatment of addiction.

  Cumin can be used directly in foods, digestive tea or blended in the form of tinctures and essential oils.

The therapeutic effects of rosemary

  Rosemary is a spice with many beneficial effects on our body.    

  It is used in maintaining the health of the nervous system: influence the central nervous system, motor nerves, in sleeplessness, in alterations of the senses or multiple sclerosis. 

   The digestive system benefits himself rosemary properties. It is used in toning activity of the liver, bile, in the case of stones bile, phlegm clean stomach, increases appetite and regulate digestion. Thus it has choleretic and cholagogue effects. The rosemary is consumed as spice in foods, juice 2-3 tablespoons, 3 times per day, tea, tablets or soak glycerinate. It has tonic effects on the heart, the skin,  kidneys, spleen and blood. It is used in case of hypotension. 

  Rosemary is used to stabilize mood, is a powerful stimulant, regulates the amount of cholesterol and blood glucose. 

  In cosmetics, rosemary is used in hair care products.

Healthy spleen strengthens immunity system 



       Our immune system must be helped in fighting with bad factors that can sicken our body. People take natural supplements, vitamins and minerals to increase immunity.

  Increasing immunity means, in fact, curing and cleaning organs that have the function of defending the organism from external and internal bad factors.

  The organs that have this role are: liver, gall bladder, kidneys, digestive system and respiratory system and spleen.

  Spleen is a lymphatic organ and it is placed in the left side of our body, in superior part of abdominal cavity.

  Functions of spleen

-destruction of older red blood cells,

-production of lymphocyte that have role in curing infections, killing viruses, bacteria as tuberculosis, pertussis,

-spleen makes fighting cells for immunity system,

-is the collector of the blood,

-recycle and transforms old red blood cells in iron... If you deal with a chronic iron anemia it's possible to have problems with the activity of spleen.

  Signs of an abnormal activity of spleen

-gases and distentions,

-chronic diarrhea,

-teeth marks on sides of the tongue,

-pain in the left side a spank under ribs, flank.

  The most known diseases of spleen

-splenomegaly caused by anemia, hepatic cirosis or tuberculosis,

-hypersplenism, a hyper function of spleen. The red cells are destroying them self without being aging.

  The treatment of spleen diseases

-if you have spleen problems you must eat foods that contains chlorophyll as spinach, nettles, green salad, especially green vegetables that are increasing capacity of spleen to  defend the organism,

-you must apply directly on the spleen zone hot towels, hot tea. Heat is good for the spleen.

-herbs and condiments as: garlic, black pepper, ginger, ginseng, cinnamon, horseradish, that are heating our spleen,

-another foods that helps spleen: pumpkin, beans, beetroot, carrots, parsley, celery, chicken and fish.

Belladonna-a homeopath remedy for cold and fever


  Belladonna is the most used remedy if get cold or fever. Children benefits the most from it. It removes successfully the antibiotics and  allophatic antithermals. 

  Belladonna is a poisonous plant but homeopathy managed to use it very well.

  It contains 3 important alkaloids:




 Typology of the person that needs belladonna

-is a very polite person but becomes very nervous and irritated when is tired or ill,

-even if it seems a very calm person, apathetic, is in fact a person that is getting irritated easily,

-is very sensitive to noise and can't stand it,

-is very sensitive to light, 

-can't stand to be touched, or tight clothes. Homeophatic doctor will ask you if you can stand wearing collars or ties.

  Diseases treated with belladonna

  The main disease that is cured with belladonna is special kind of fever:

-fever that comes suddenly, with a strong congestion of face, around 18 o'clock,

-it appears from a air current, a sweat or sunny weather,

-after a shiver, without thirst,

-a strong thirst,

-person wants to cover very well with the blanket,

-has red eyes, with dilated pupils,

-has headache from light and noise,

-the sweat is noticed on the covered parts of the body,

-the fever disappears as quickly as it started. 

  Another frequent disease that can be treated with belladonna is acute laryngitis, laryngo-tracheitis. These diseases come suddenly with dryness sensations, hoarseness, heat that pulsates, headache, burning sensations in the throat. Is used a dilution of ch 7 or 9, after the prescription of homeopath doctor.

  Other diseases that are cured with belladonna are:

-eyes affections as acute conjunctivitis or acute blepharitis,

-boils and abscesses,


-thyroid diseases,

-palpitations, tachycardia,

-any kind of acute pains,

-urinary incontinence at adults and sleeping children,

-menstruation's pain.

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